Tuesday, January 15, 2019

General Overview of Committee

Hi everybody!

Berkeley Venture Capital is a specialized committee, and thus runs on different procedure and day-to-day structure. I'm going to try my best to explain it below, but as always reach out to bvclxvii@bmun.org (or my email, ndubey@bmun.org).

As the committee page states (bmun.org/bvc), BVC is a full tech committee. This means that you are allowed to use your laptop any time. We understand the depth of research and collaboration that comes with the internet, especially in a venture capital committee, and want to grant you access to the internet. If we find that this privilege is being taken advantage of we will return to the BMUN standard of no tech in committee.

Position papers have a separate set of guidelines, found on bmun.org/bvc which will be the basis of your initial pitch. It doesn't have to be perfect -- it could be an idea for an app, company, product, or anything else. In the first committee session everybody will get the opportunity to pitch their ideas to the rest of the committee and start to form groups with other delegates. You and your team are going to form a company with the goal of solving an environmental problem in a developing country for the rest of the weekend. The company's product can be a combination of ideas that you had coming in to committee, an expansion of one person's idea, or something completely different.

Rather than having a resolution submitted at the end, you and your team are going to pitch your company to the dais, who will be acting as investors, through a pitch deck. We're going to be posting examples of pitch decks in the upcoming weeks but they're essentially a business model for your company to help persuade people to invest. Based on the feedback of the dais and their initial investment you're going to adjust your pitch and deal with any and all obstacles that may come your way.

This all may sound a bit intimidating, but the entire dais will be reiterating this and guiding you through the whole process with micro-lectures, more blog posts, and an unlimited amount of advice. BMUN is a learning conference and we hope you are excited to spend a weekend with us! Let us know if you have any questions/comments/suggestions at bvclxvii@bmun.org!!

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